Claimtrade API Documentation

This document outlines the functionalities provided by the Claimtrade API for managing mining claims and user authentication.

API Endpoints

GET /claims

Retrieves a list of all mining claims available in the system.

POST /claims

Allows registered and authenticated users to submit new mining claims, including relevant details and supporting files.

GET /claims/:id

Provides detailed information about a specific mining claim, identified by its unique ID.

DELETE /claims/:id

Enables authorized users to remove a specific mining claim from the system using its ID.

PUT /claims/:id

Allows for updating the information of a specific mining claim, identified by its ID. Only accessible to authorized users.

POST /users/register

Enables new users to register and create an account in the Claimtrade system.

POST /users/login

Allows existing users to log in to the Claimtrade system, granting access to authenticated functionalities.

GET /users/profile

Provides the profile information of the logged-in user, requiring a valid authentication token.